Duafe - Adinkra Jewelry and Meaning

Duafe - Adinkra Jewelry and Meaning


Duafe is the Adinkra symbol for the "wooden comb", a symbol representing beauty and cleanliness. This necklace is a representation of my pride in seeing black women love their hair, before European standards were the norm. This necklace is beaded tightly and expertly with perfect Cream and Black glass seed beads, meant to mimic the original representation of this symbology.

This necklace ties securely with fine Leather.

Kamil Oshundara is spiritually powerful, charismatic and full of heart and valor. She is a speaker and Ifa priestess of Shango. You will be seeing more of her as we continue to collaborate and grow as artists, and women of integrity.

Photo by and with many thanks to Gary Biddy

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