Bead Weaver Irina Haluschak

Beadwork from the Ukraine is a big deal to me. Some of the first beaders I encountered online who shared patterns and tips are from the Ukraine.  

I have a piece that everyone thinks is South African, but it's actually Ukrainian. Many tribes around the world utilize similar beading techniques but completely different patterns and color schemes. 

This photography features her work and an amazing headdress (I'm a fan). Credits:

DAGADANA "Meridian 68" photo session
Fot. Treti Pivni Майстерня Треті Півні
Photo Session- Майстерня Треті Півні,
Headdress - Майстерня Треті Півні,
Necklaces - Етно-Вулик shop, Христина Рачицька
Bead decorations - Давній народний одяг shop (by Irina Haluschak
Photography and styling - Dominika Dyka

Join her Facebook group where she regularly posts updates about her art and beadwork. 

She's a skilled creative beader and I admire her work.