COVID-19: My response and protocols.


Hey guys,

First of all, if you’re reading this, thank you for taking the time to dive into my thoughts.

This time has been tremendously stressful. Interrupting my day to day as I transitioned into a completely different day to day (9 to 5 wise). I feel like my drive to create and even find the energy to post was zapped by this situation. Taking care of my life, my child, my work, my friends, my family..having suspicion of others. It sucked the life out of everything. It is changing lives of people around me, it’s reality is close, but I’m finally rebounding.

Slowly but surely I’ll be shipping again Saturdays. I am keeping this site for my blog work, and will have live sales on Instagram, which takes less energy. When life settles again to a normal hum, I’ll have more updates on my website.

How do I protect you?

Where applicable (not on leather or woven materials) I sanitize your piece before packaging. If I should ever feel ill I would not be working, and all production and shipping would halt as I am the one making this happen right now.

Cover and Blog art: Caldwell Linker. Please read her response on her life facing the Coronavirus in 2020.